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General Page, IVI-COM Driver Settings

Instrument manufacturer

The instrument manufacturer is used to identify the manufacturer of the instrument for which the driver is being written. This entry is used in the IVI Configuration Store registration as well as in the implementation of the IIviDriverIdentity.InstrumentManufactuer property.

Driver vendor

The driver vendor identifies the company responsible for development and support of the driver. This entry is used in the IVI Configuration Store registration as well as in the implementation of the IIviDriverComponentIdentity.Vendor property.


This entry is used in the IVI Configuration Store registration as well as in the implementation of the IIviDriverComponentIdentity.Description property.


The copyright statement to use for your driver. This value is used in the .NET assembly metadata (AssemblyCopyright assembly-level attribute).


The three entries here establish the four-part version number of the driver. The format of the version number is:


This version number is used in the following places:

  • The major and minor are used to for the IVI-COM type library version number. COM type libraries only support a two-digit version number.

  • All four digits are used to form the version number of the .NET interop assembly.

  • All four digits are used in the version number associated with the driver DLL.

  • All four digits are used in the version number associated with the driver installer.

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