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General Page, New IVI-COM Driver Wizard

The General Page of the New IVI-COM Driver Wizard presents basic information about the IVI-COM driver project.

Driver name

The driver name is the primary identifier for the entire IVI-COM driver project. Virtually all names associated with the driver will be based on the driver name. The driver DLL, the IVI Configuration Store entries, the driver interfaces, the main driver class, and many other items are based on this entry.

Instrument manufacturer

The instrument manufacturer is used to identify the manufacturer of the instrument for which the driver is being written. This entry is used in the IVI Configuration Store registration as well as in the implementation of the IIviDriver.InstrumentManufactuer property.

Driver vendor

The driver vendor identifies the company responsible for development and support of the driver. This entry is used in the IVI Configuration Store registration as well as in the implementation of the IIviDriverComponentIdentity.Vendor property.

.NET assembly name prefix

This entry controls the name of the .NET interop assembly as well as that of any .NET policy files shipped with the driver. The IVI specifications require that this prefix represent the driver vendor. The full name of the .NET assemblies based on this prefix is displayed in the .NET assembly name text box just below this entry.

For more information on .NET interop assemblies, see the topic Supporting .NET Client Applications.

For more information on .NET policy files, see the topic Understanding .NET Versioning.

.NET assembly name

This is a read-only field that displays the .NET assembly names resulting from the choice entered in the .NET assembly name prefix field

Instrument model

The name of the instrument model for which the driver is being written. The driver must be able to use this string to identify the actual connected instrument during driver initialization, such as through the use of a "*IDN?" query. See the topic Understanding the Initialization Sequence for information on identifying the connected model.

If the driver is to support multiple instrument models, enter one of the most common models here. The Models Page of the Driver Settings Editor can be used to add models to the driver. See the topic Adding Support for Multiple Instrument Models for more information on multi-model drivers.

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