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I/O Format Specifiers for Write Operations

This topic discusses the format specifier fields that may appear in the write format control strings passed to the Printf-style I/O functions. The format specifiers described here apply to the following functions:

Write Format Specifier Overview

The write format specifier for all Printf-style functions has the following general form:


The type code is the only required field and appears after the optional modifiers. The type code determines whether the associated argument is interpreted as a character, string, number, or array. The type code also determines which modifiers are valid and how they are interpreted. The specific format of the format specifier is given in the various topics in this section for each supported type code.

The table below lists the type codes available along with links to the topics that discuss the format specifier for each data type.

Type of Data

Format Codes

Help Topic

Single characters


Writing Characters



Writing Strings


%d, %i, %o, %u, %x, %X

Writing Integers

Floating-point numbers

%f, %e, %E, %g, %G

Writing Floating-Point Numbers

IEEE 488.2 binary blocks

%b, %B

Writing IEEE 488.2 Binary Blocks

Raw binary data


Writing Raw Binary Data

Special Formatting Characters

Special formatting character sequences send special characters. The following table lists the special characters and describes what they send to the device.

Formatting Character

Character Sent to Device


Sends the ASCII linefeed character (LF). The END identifier will also be automatically sent.


Sends the ASCII carriage return (CR) character.


Sends the ASCII TAB character.


Sends the ASCII character specified by the octal value.


Sends the ASCII double-quote (") character.


Sends the ASCII backslash (\) character.

See Also

Other Resources

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