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Sends formatted output to a device without polling for errors.

virtual HRESULT PrintfNoPoll(const CString strFormat [, argument] ...) abstract;

[in] String describing the format for arguments. See the topic I/O Format Specifiers for Write Operations for details.


[in] Optional arguments interpreted by the format string.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, otherwise a failure HRESULT.


This function behaves identically to Printf except that the device is not polled for errors after the data is sent. This can be useful in cases where a query string is sent to the device and a separate function will be executed to read the results. Were Printf used in such a situation instead of PrintfNoPoll, the error polling command would attempt to write to the device again -- before the results of the initial query could be read.


The following example demonstrates use of the PrintfNoPoll function. Note that the topic I/O Format Specifiers for Write Operations has many more examples of format strings that can be used with PrintfNoPoll.

// CoAcme4321.cpp
STDMETHODIMP Acme4321::IAcme4321_Configure(long Channel, long* Count)
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;

  // Send query command to device, without polling for errors
  hr = io.PrintfNoPoll(_T("TRIG:COUNT? %d"), Channel);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

    // ... other logic

    hr = io.ReadNumber(Count);

  return hr;
See Also

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