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Features Page, New IVI-C Driver Wizard

Code generation
Automatically generate getter functions for IVI-C attributes

This setting controls whether getter functions are automatically generated when an IVI-C attribute is added to the driver.

Getter function prefix

This setting controls the name of automatically generated IVI-C attribute getter functions. For example, if an attribute named OUTPUT_VOLTAGE is created, and this setting is chosen to be Get, Nimbus will automatically generate an IVI-C getter function named GetOutputVoltage.

The name resulting from selections made here represent the initial name given to the getter function. Individual getter functions can be renamed as desired.

Automatically generate setter functions for IVI-C attributes

This setting controls whether setter functions are automatically generated when an IVI-C attribute is added to the driver.

Setter function prefix

This setting controls the name of automatically generated IVI-C attribute setter functions. For example, if an attribute named OUTPUT_VOLTAGE is created, and this setting is chosen to be Set, Nimbus will automatically generate an IVI-C setter function named SetOutputVoltage.

The name resulting from selections made here represent the initial name given to the setter function. Individual setter functions can be renamed as desired.

See Also

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