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Sends data to a device.

virtual HRESULT WriteString(const CString& strData, bool bFlush = true, long lTimeout = CUR_TIMEOUT) override;

virtual HRESULT WriteString(BSTR strData, bool bFlush = true, long lTimeout = CUR_TIMEOUT) override;

virtual HRESULT WriteString(LPCTSTR strData, bool bFlush = true, long lTimeout = CUR_TIMEOUT) override;

[in] String data to send to the device.


[in] If true, the formatted I/O write buffer is flushed to the device.


[in] I/O timeout value in milliseconds.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, otherwise a failure HRESULT.


The WriteString function sends string data to the formatted I/O write buffer. If the bFlush parameter is true, then the contents of the I/O write buffer are flushed to the device. If bFlush is false, then the data is queued in the write buffer until the buffer is full or a subsequent operation forces a flush. Queueing data in this fashion can improve I/O performance by reducing the number of I/O roundtrips to the device.


The following example demonstrates use of the WriteString function.

// CoAcme4321.cpp
STDMETHODIMP Acme4321::IAcme4321_Configure(BSTR bstrSource1, BSTR bstrSource2, BSTR bstrSource3)
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;

  // Queue up commands in the write buffer
  hr = io.WriteStringNoPoll(bstrSource1, false);
  hr = io.WriteStringNoPoll(bstrSource2, false);

  // Send string and flush buffer to device
  hr = io.WriteString(bstrSource3);

  return hr;
See Also

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