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General Page, Driver Installer Project Properties

Installer settings

The name of the driver associated with this driver installer project. This is a read-only field.

Minimal IVI version

The setting specifies the minimum version of the IVI Shared Components the driver requires. Nimbus will update the driver installer so that it automatically checks the end-user system for the presence of an IVI Shared Components version that is equal to or greater than this value. The value is also used in generating the driver's IVI compliance information in the help file.

The latest version of the IVI Shared Components along with the revision history can be downloaded here .

Minimal IVI.NET version (IVI.NET only)

The setting specifies the minimum version of the IVI.NET Shared Components the driver requires. Nimbus will update the driver installer so that it automatically checks the end-user system for the presence of an IVI.NET Shared Components version that is equal to or greater than this value. The value is also used in generating the driver's IVI compliance information in the help file.

The latest version of the IVI.NET Shared Components along with the revision history can be downloaded here .

Create a 32-bit installer

This option enables creation of a 32-bit driver installer. If the Create a 64-bit installer checkbox is also checked, then the resulting 32-bit installer will refuse to install on a 64-bit operating system. Otherwise, the resulting installer will run on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

See the topic Creating 64-Bit Driver Installers for more details on the implications of building 32-bit and 64-bit installers.

Create a 64-bit installer

This option enables creation of a 64-bit driver installer. The exact behavior of the resulting installer depends upon the state of the Create a 32-bit installer checkbox. When a 32-bit installer will also be created, the setup project must be compiled twice -- once with the x86 configuration selected and once with the x64 configuration selected. When checked, the Create a 64-bit installer option results in a 32-bit driver installer that will refuse to install when run on a 64-bit operating system. When cleared (the default), the Create a 64-bit installer option produces a 32-bit driver installer that will work on both 32- and 64-bit operating systems.

IVI-COM and IVI-C drivers must also be built twice (x86 and x64) when this option is checked (and the 32-bit option is also checked).

IVI.NET drivers may need to be built twice depending upon if bitness specific IVI.NET drivers are being deployed or if Any CPU drivers are being built. See the discussion of the Platform to deploy options below.

There are a number of implications to enabling this option. See the topic Creating 64-Bit Driver Installers for details.

Distribute driver source code with installer

When checked, this option instructs Nimbus to add a feature to the driver installer that allows the end user to install the driver source code. By default, the source code will still not be installed, but the user will have the ability to choose Custom install when running the installer. The custom install screen will offer the user the option to installer the driver source code. If selected by the end user, the driver source code will be installed one of the following folders, based on driver type:

  • For IVI.NET: <IviInstallDir>\Microsoft.NET\Framework32\v2.0.50727\<driverNamespace> <driverThreeDigitVersion>\Source

    Note Note

    The Framework32 folder will be Framework64 when deploying to the 64-bit Program Files folder. Also, the v2.0.50727 folder will change based on the .NET Framework against which the driver is built.

  • For IVI-COM: <IviInstallDir>\Drivers\<driverName>\Source

  • For IVI-C: <IviInstallDir>\Drivers\<prefix>\Source

Create a policy file to automatically upgrade each of the following previous driver versions

The version numbers listed here are used to specify previous versions of the driver with which the current version is compatible. This information is used to create .NET version policy files for seamlessly upgrading .NET client applications to the latest version of the driver. Note that only the major and minor digits of the version number are used by policy files.

For each version number specified here, Nimbus will automatically add an XML file to the setup project with a name in the following format:


Example: Policy.3.2.Acme.Acme4321.config

At build time, these XML files are compiled into policy file DLLs that are automatically integrated into the resulting driver installer and deployed into the global assembly cache.

Platform to deploy to 32-bit Program Files Folder (IVI.NET only)

IVI.NET drivers can be built as bitness-independent assemblies (Any CPU) or as bitness-specific assemblies (x86 or x64). This setting controls which build of the IVI.NET driver is deployed in the 32-bit Program Files folder on the target machine.

If AnyCPU is selected, then the driver installer will take the IVI.NET assembly from the driver project's bin\Debug folder and deploy it to the 32-bit Program Files folder. If x86 is selected, then the driver installer will take the IVI.NET assembly from the driver project's bin\x86\Debug folder and deploy it to the 32-bit Program Files folder.

Platform to deploy to 64-bit Program Files Folder (IVI.NET only)

IVI.NET drivers can be built as bitness-independent assemblies (Any CPU) or as bitness-specific assemblies (x86 or x64). This setting controls which build of the IVI.NET driver is deployed in the 64-bit Program Files folder on the target machine.

If AnyCPU is selected, then the driver installer will take the IVI.NET assembly from the driver project's bin\Debug folder and deploy it to the 64-bit Program Files folder. If x64 is selected, then the driver installer will take the IVI.NET assembly from the driver project's bin\x64\Debug folder and deploy it to the 64-bit Program Files folder.

Download a complete CHM version of this documentation here.