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Returns a single PhysicalName object corresponding to the active selector.

static ViStatus GetActivePhysicalName(ViSession Vi, PhysicalName<T>& physicalName);

[in] ViSession handle for the driver session.


[out] The PhysicalName corresponding to the expansion of the active selector set by the most recent call to the SetActiveSelector function.

Return Value

Returns a VI_SUCCESS if the operation was successful or a failure ViStatus otherwise.

If more than one physical name is currently active (i.e. the number of elements returned by the GetActivePhysicalNames function is greater than one) then this function returns the error code IVIC_ERROR_BADLY_FORMED_SELECTOR.


This function is useful in scenarios where an operation is only valid for a single repeated capability physical name. For example, attribute getters and functions that have output parameters can only return a single value, so the user can never invoke such operations on more than one repeated capability at a time. Thus, such operations must internally validate that only a single physical name is active when they are called. The GetActivePhysicalName function is provided for this purpose.

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