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Updates the value for the cache entry. Note that SetValid must be called to set the entry's valid state to true.

void SetValue(const T& value);

[in] The value to test for equality against the cached value, if present. The data type T is that of the CacheEntry template instance.


The following example demonstrates use of the SetValue function.

ViStatus _VI_FUNC acme4321_set_BANDWIDTH(ViSession Vi, ViConstString RepCapIdentifier, ViReal64 AttributeValue)
    auto status = VI_SUCCESS;

    // Retrieve the cache entry for the Bandwidth attribute
    auto& entry = GetCacheEntry<ViReal64>(Vi, ACME4321_ATTR_BANDWIDTH);

    // If the value is in the cache AND is valid, simply return since we don't need to send the instrument command
    if (entry.HasValue(AttributeValue))
        return status;

    // If we get this far, then the new value is not in the cache, so we must communicate with the instrument to set the value
    status = viPrintf(GetVisaSession(Vi), "SENS:BAND %0.15g\n", AttributeValue);

    // The new value was successfully sent to the instrument, so update the cache

    return status;

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