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Gets a pointer to a child repeated capability instance.

template <typename RepCapClass>
RepCapClass* GetRepCap(const CString& strInstanceName) const;

template <typename RepCapClass>
RepCapClass* GetRepCap(int nIndex) const;

[in] Physical name or virtual name of the desired repeated capability instance.


[in] Zero-based index of the desired repeated capability instance.

Return Value

Returns a pointer to the repeated capability instance or NULL if the instance is not found.


This function returns a pointer to a child repeated capability instance. The strInstanceName parameter may be either a physical name or a virtual name.

Since this function returns a direct pointer to the child repeated capability C++ class instance, not an interface pointer, you can call C++ functions defined on the class that are not in the public COM interface.


The following example demonstrates use of the GetRepCap function.

// CoAcme4321.cpp
HRESULT Acme4321::PresetAll()
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;

  int nRepCapCount = GetRepCapCount<Acme4321Channel>();
  for (int i = 0; i < nRepCapCount; i++)
    Acme4321Channel* pChannel = GetRepCap<Acme4321Channel>(i);

    // Call C++ functions on the Acme4321Channel class...
    pChannel->PresetHelper();    // Not a COM interface method

  return hr;
See Also

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