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Indicates if the specified entry is in the cache and is valid.

bool CCacheEntry<T>::ContainsValue(T value, const CString& strModel);

[in] Value to check.


[in] The current instrument model.

Return Value

Returns true if the specified value is in the cache and is valid, otherwise false.


The following example demonstrates use of the ContainsValue function.

// CoAcme4321.cpp
STDMETHODIMP Acme4321::put_Bandwidth(double Bandwidth)
  HRESULT hr = S_OK;

   // Retrieve the cache entry for the Bandwidth property
   CCacheEntry<double>* pEntry = GetOrCreateCacheEntry<double>(_T("IAcme4321.Bandwidth"));

   // If the value is in the cache AND is valid, simply return since we don't need to send the instrument command
   if (pEntry->ContainsValue(Bandwidth, GetModel()))
      return S_OK;

   // If we get this far, then the new value is not in the cache, so we
   // must communicate with the instrument to set the value
   HRESULT hr = io.Printf(_T("SENSE:BAND %.15g"), Bandwidth);

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      // The new value was successfully sent to the instrument, so update the cache

  return hr;
See Also

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