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General Page, IVI-COM Driver Per-User Preferences

The options on this page control some of the default settings that appear on the General page of the New Project Wizard for IVI-COM drivers.

General information
.NET assembly name prefix

This entry controls the name of the .NET interop assembly as well as that of any .NET policy files shipped with the driver. The IVI specifications require that this prefix represent the driver vendor. The full name of the .NET assemblies based on this prefix is displayed in the .NET assembly name text box just below this entry.

For more information on .NET interop assemblies, see the topic Supporting .NET Client Applications.

For more information on .NET policy files, see the topic Understanding .NET Versioning.

IVI-C prefix 2-letter abbreviation

Specifies the first two letters of the IVI-C wrapper prefix. This is generally a prefix associated with the driver vendor.

Create IVI-COM unit test

Specifies whether a Visual C# unit test project for the IVI-COM driver should be created and added to the driver solution.

Nimbus provides advanced IVI-COM driver unit testing features that integrate directly with the Visual Studio IDE. For more information, see the topic Testing an IVI-COM Driver.

Create help project

Specifies whether an IVI-COM driver help project for the IVI-COM driver should be created and added to the driver solution. The project is generated based on your per-user preferences for help projects.

Create setup project

Specifies whether an IVI-COM driver setup project for the IVI.NET driver should be created and added to the driver solution.

Create IVI-COM C++ application

This option creates a starter Visual C++ project for exercising the IVI-COM driver. The project is generated with the appropriate references, declarations, initialization and shutdown calls as well as basic error checking code. This project is a good starting point for building more involved C++ client applications or for simply testing driver operation in C++.

Create IVI-COM C# application

This option creates a starter Visual C# project for exercising the IVI-COM driver. The project is generated with the appropriate references, declarations, initialization and shutdown calls as well as basic error checking code. This project is a good starting point for building more involved C# client applications or for simply testing driver operation in C#.

Create IVI-COM Visual Basic application

This option creates a starter Visual Basic.NET project for exercising the IVI-COM driver. The project is generated with the appropriate references, declarations, initialization and shutdown calls as well as basic error checking code. This project is a good starting point for building more involved Visual Basic client applications or for simply testing driver operation in Visual Basic.

Create IVI-C wrapper

Specifies whether IVI-C wrapper generation should be enabled..

Create IVI-C unit test

Specifies whether a Visual C++ unit test project for the IVI-C wrapper should be created and added to the driver solution.

Nimbus provides advanced IVI-C driver unit testing features that integrate directly with the Visual Studio IDE. For more information, see the topic Testing an IVI-C Wrapper.

Create IVI-C C++ application

This option creates a starter Visual C++ project for exercising the IVI-C driver. The project is generated with the appropriate references, declarations, initialization and shutdown calls as well as basic error checking code. This project is a good starting point for building more involved IVI-C client applications or for simply testing the IVI-C wrapper operation.

Create MATLAB wrapper

This setting controls whether Nimbus will generate a MATLAB wrapper for the driver.

For more information on MATLAB wrappers, see the topic Developing a MATLAB Driver.

Note Note

These settings just control the initial configuration of the New IVI-COM Driver Wizard. You will have the chance to make different choices when the wizard is actually run.

See Also

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