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Returns the repeated capability virtual name associated with the specified physical name.

virtual const std::string TranslatePhysicalName(const std::string& strPhysicalName) const;

const std::string TranslatePhysicalName(ViSession Vi, const std::string& strPhysicalName);

[in] ViSession handle for the driver session.


[in] Repeated capability physical name for which the corresponding virtual name should be returned.

Return Value

The repeated capability virtual name associated with the specified physical name. If the strPhysicalName supplied is not in the map then that same strPhysicalName value is returned.


When a client application initializes an IVI driver using a logical name or a driver session name for the ResourceName parameter in the init or InitWithOptions function, the driver is required to load all of the repeated capability virtual names that the end user may have created in the IVI Configuration Store. The driver is then required to accept any of these virtual names as valid identifiers for repeated capabilities when the client application performs operations on repeated capability-based functions or attributes. The driver supports this functionality by translating virtual names, which are user-specified, to physical names, which are driver specified and which must ultimately be used in the driver implementation. The TranslatePhysicalName function exposes the capability to perform physical-name based lookups of virtual name mappsings.

The reverse operation of translating from physical names to virtual names is provided by the TranslateVirtualName function. In addition, the entire set of virtual-to-physical name mappings can be retrieved at once via the VirtualNameMappings Function.

For additional information on repeated capability virtual names and physical names, see the topic on Repeated Capabilities in the IVI Backgrounder section.

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