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Projects Page, New IVI.NET Driver Wizard

The Projects Page of the New IVI.NET Driver Wizard allows you to select which additional Nimbus-generated Visual Studio projects should be created and added to the driver solution.

Note Note

Any of the projects available via the wizard can be added later by right-clicking on the Solution node in Solution Explorer and choosing Add and then selecting New Project.

Create IVI.NET unit test project

Specifies whether a Visual C# unit test project for the IVI.NET driver should be created and added to the driver solution.

Nimbus provides advanced IVI.NET driver unit testing features that integrate directly with the Visual Studio IDE. For more information, see the topic Testing an IVI.NET Driver.

Create IVI.NET help project

Specifies whether an IVI.NET driver help project for the IVI.NET driver should be created and added to the driver solution. The project is generated based on your per-user preferences for help projects.

Create IVI.NET setup project

Specifies whether an IVI.NET driver setup project for the IVI.NET driver should be created and added to the driver solution.

Create IVI.NET C# console application

This option creates a starter Visual C# project for exercising the IVI.NET driver. The project is generated with the appropriate references, declarations, initialization and shutdown calls as well as basic error checking code. This project is a good starting point for building more involved C# client applications or for simply testing driver operation in C#.

Create IVI.NET Visual Basic console application

This option creates a starter VB.NET project for exercising the IVI.NET driver. The project is generated with the appropriate references, declarations, initialization and shutdown calls as well as basic error checking code. This project is a good starting point for building more involved VB.NET client applications or for simply testing driver operation in VB.NET.

See Also

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